Six Ways to Give...
You can click the icon below to give directly through the Pushpay website. You will have the option of donating a one-time gift or to set up recurring giving, which is a secure and flexible method of giving a series of gifts on a schedule that suits you!
2. Mobile
Text to Give: You can give from your phone by texting "CTFOTTAWA" to 77977 and you will receive a link to our custom giving page. Pushpay currently accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover cards!
Pushpay App: If you would like the ability to give from your phone in less than 10 seconds in the future, you can text "pushpay" to "77977" and you will receive a link to download the Pushpay app! You can also download the Pushpay app on your phone from the Apple App Store for iOS or the Google Play store for Android.
For more information, watch the short video clip here
When you send 'CTFOTTAWA' to 77977 you will receive a one time reply containing a link to give to our church (1msg/request). Please be aware that Msg & Data rates may apply. For full Terms & Conditions please visit For the Privacy Policy please visit For help reply HELP or STOP to cancel.
4. Interac e-transfer. We accept Interac e transfer to CATCH THE FIRE OTTAWA, email; Be sure to enter a message like “Donation to Catch The Fire Ottawa from “your name”. You should then also be able to save Catch The Fire Ottawa with your payees once you make the first transaction.
5. MAIL A CHEQUE: If you would prefer to donate with a personal cheque you can mail your cheque made out to Catch The Fire Ottawa to Catch The Fire Ottawa, 27 Johanna St, Almonte ON K0A 1A0. You can also drop off a donation at the St Paul's office and they will place it in our mailbox. Please ensure it is clearly marked Catch The Fire Ottawa
6. Give through Canada helps
For more than 21 years, Canada Helps has been the trusted charity, informing, inspiring, and connecting charities and donors, with the causes they care about.
Canada Helps is the largest processor of online security and mutual fund donations in Canada. You can easily make a securities donation across multiple charities.