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Growth Groups are an amazing way to encounter God in a deep and personal way and to build community by meeting and making new friends.

Growth groups are a safe place to grow in our upward, inward, and outward journeys!

Current Growth Groups

Wednesday Intercessory Prayer

Intercession Wednesday nights 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Location varies from week to week, but usually has an in-person and zoom option

Zoom: Meeting ID: 845 4565 9042

For in-person location or more information,


Immanuel Workshops

We host an Immanuel Workshop on the second and fourth Saturdays of most months, from 10 until noon. We meet in the downstairs boardroom at St. Paul's. All welcome! For any questions, contact

The Immanuel approach to inner healing and emotional health is a process where we experience the Lord’s presence producing healing and maturity. At the workshop, there is a short teaching and then opportunities for us to practice ministering to one another. See link for more info:

Understanding Dreams

Based on John Paul Jackson’s course on Dreams and Visions

Leaders: Kate Leyenaar and Kathy Steven

Location: Harry and Evi’s place in Westboro

Thursdays: 7:00 to 9:00, January 16 to March 6

Friday Worship Nights

You are invited to join us for a time of worship and fellowship. We meet at the Hughes’ home at 7:30 pm most Fridays. Contact us at for dates and location instructions.

Ukrainian Alpha Group

Explore life, faith and meaning together.

Alpha is a multi-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people come and discuss life’s big questions in a friendly, open and informal environment.

For Ukrainian speakers only.

Date and Location: to be determined

Leaders: Mariana and Sergii Grushkovyk

Families Home Group

kid friendly family gatherings to build community and encourage one another in our Christian walk.

Meets twice a month.

Location and times: to be determined

Leaders: Ben and Naomi Kennedy; Jason and Amy Hughes

Marriage Tune-Up

This is a 5 video series to help couples establish better marriage skills..

Leaders: Dave and Lyn Poth

Location: to be determined

Date and Time: to be determined

‘Joy Starts Here’ Book Study

Leader: Cheryl Duncan

This will be a zoom only course, based on the book, Joy Starts Here, authors E. James Wilder, Ed M. Khouri, Chris M. Coursey, and Shelia D. Sutton.

This course will explore some of the exciting steps of being able to find real joy in our lives. Real joy is attainable; it is able to be grown and cultivated. When real joy is found, it can change families, schools, churches, and the world.

Planned start is in February. Details to follow.


A Study on Covenant

For: Men & Women

Day/Time: Tuesday evenings at 7 pm

Location: Eike and Gayle’s home

Leader: Eike Jorgensen

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Men’s Breakfast

We meet as men once a month to grow in relationship with one another and to grow personally as men, husbands, fathers & friends.

Day/Time: Saturday 8:15-10:00AM (dates posted in The Good News)

or contact

Location: Buster’s Bar and Grill in Kanata


If you are interested in joining any of these groups, contact us here: