We have a few online giving channels — they’re easy to use and very secure.
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
(2 Corinthians 9:7 )
We have an excellent, secure way of giving tithes and offerings online through PUSHPAY. Recurring giving is a great option when you wish to give on a regular basis.
We also now accept Interac e-transfer to CATCH THE FIRE OTTAWA email: ottawa@catchthefire.com Be sure to enter a message like Donation to Catch The Fire Ottawa from "your name". The donation will go directly into our bank account and we will enter your donation in our church software.
If your bank asks for a security question you can use the answer
( ctfottawa) or You can always send the answer in an email to ottawa@catchthefire.com. Most banks will allow you to save Catch The Fire Ottawa as a payee once you make the first transaction.
We accept PAYPAL payments as well !