One word from God can change everything.

If you missed last week’s message from Franklyn Spence, I would highly recommend you consider listening to it: (Franklyn Spence Sunday Service.) Franklyn’s story of meeting with old order Mennonites in the Mt. Forest area is a remarkable story. Having heard that miracles were happening in Franklyn’s ministry, they arranged a hidden late-night meeting with him, in the fear of others in their community shunning them if their meeting was discovered. After going to extensive efforts to hide their meeting, they asked the question, "Is it true that miracles are happening?”

What a powerful moment. These faithful people were hungry for the things of God they had read about in the bible. They wanted to know more. Franklyn tells of how he then told them story after story of miracles that were happening and made the point that this encounter had all begun by Franklyn hearing the Lord speak to him. His point was that “one word from God can change everything.”

We always need to hear the word of the Lord, and particularly now, given all that is happening in international news and when an economic war has begun. What is God saying in all that is happening? The Lord has already spoken very clearly. When Jesus was asked about the end times, His response gives us clear instruction for today:

Jesus answered: ‘Watch out that no one deceives you.  For many will come in my name, claiming, “I am the Messiah,” and will deceive many.  You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.  Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth-pains.  Matthew 24:4-8

We are not to be deceived, and we are not to be alarmed in a time of war, when nation rises against nation.

Watch out that no one deceives you. This is a call to examine our hearts and be careful what voices we listen to. Deception comes when we hear what we want to hear. Our biases are blind spots that can lead to deception. To avoid this, we should regularly come before the Lord asking Him to search our hearts and convict us of any sinful heart attitudes, judgments, or any lies that we have believed.  A good prayer is “Lord, show me any condition of my heart that needs to change.” And also this simple prayer: “Father, what is your view of what is happening?” For those who heard me preach two weeks ago, you will recall that the Lord showed me that I had anger and resentment in my heart with all that has been happening in politics. I repented. Since then, I am at peace, and am thinking clearly.

See to it that you are not alarmed. We stand on the Rock that is Jesus, the One who promises to be with us, to guide us and to protect us. We are more than conquerors. We will not be alarmed, but will consider trials as pure joy. We fix our eyes on Jesus, not on the events of the world. These are acts of faith. And He will speak to each of us. And one word from Him can change everything.